Hand Washing

DSC_0796bwmOne of the priorities of the Lesotho Connection and the St. Camillus Center is increased hygiene and sanitation practices. Stephanie came up with a wonderful idea. She has been collecting the little mesh bags that lemons or limes come in. Her idea is to put the soap into the bags and then somehow to tie the bags to the outdoor spiggots. There are about 5 different faucets outside for the children to use for washing their hands, getting a glass of water, etc. Niko took on the challenge of figuring out how to get the soap bags tied on securely to the faucet so that the kids can always have access to soap.

Sam and Will wrote a song:

Wash your hands,
Wash your hands
Every time you eat.
Wash your hands,
Wash your hands,
Every Time you poop or pee.

Niko and I added hand and body movement to go with the song.

Today we had the inaugural soap washing and singing. The kids loved it! Perhaps this small but important project is the concrete contribution I have been waiting to see us accomplish.