Lasting Gifts

“It is such a gift to be alive. It will not last forever.
As we embrace this truth that our life will end,
it intensifies our joy and celebration of living.”

– Kim Ebert-Colella

Death is the great unspeakable. We tiptoe around it and talk of it—if we must—in hushed tones. But death comes inevitably to us all. At the end of your life, how do you want to care for those you love?

To assist you in this task, Kim Ebert-Colella and Shannon Harder Ronald have created a manual called Lasting Gifts:  Living with intention and Dying in Peace.   Lasting Gifts offers a comprehensive guide to help you think through the process. It will help you look at every aspect of your life situation, from practical essentials to personal reflections and memories. Chapters are devoted to each of the following areas, and include worksheets for you to record your information and preferences:

  • Essential Information: Vital statistics, emergency instructions, key contacts, document storage
  • Family: Family history, family stories, children’s information, pet care
  • Reflections on Life: Personal reflections, memories and letters to loved ones
  • Final Celebrations and Services: Funeral planning and instructions, obituary
  • Medical Records: Personal and family medical history
  • Money Matters: Finances, banking, insurance, investments, real estate
  • Home: House and yard care
  • Legal Documents: Will, power of attorney, medical directives and more
  • Resources

The Lasting Gifts manual means that this important task doesn’t have to be an overwhelming one. You can work through the manual one piece at a time, in whatever order you choose. Work at your own pace, on your own or with a loved one. However you choose to use Lasting Gifts, you’ll be glad you did.

Click here to order your copy of Lasting Gifts.