Day 1: Norse Federation

The Norse Federation are our hosts here in Oslo and they have been amazing. This afternoon we went to their office for lunch and a visit. They made sure that we had maps, books, information, everything we might need to navigate ourselves around the city. Over a lunch of fabulous open faced sandwiches, Lasse Espelig, the Secretary General of the Norse Federation and the Executive Director of the Norway America Association, our guide, Turid, and Anne Wangberg, the Editor of the Norseman shared with us the history of th organization. The Norse Federation was started in 1907 after ONE THIRD of Norway’s citizenry had migrated, largely because of poverty, to the United States.

The view from the Federation Office

2 thoughts on “Day 1: Norse Federation

  1. David T. Alger

    Give Turid our best regards. She is indeed a wonderful guide and host. I still can’t get over all the snow.

    So great to see the pics. Brings back many memories. By the way, it’s sunny and about 50 degrees here.

    Enjoy those Norwegian breakfasts.

    David and Sally

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