Day 8: Our Last Day in Oslo

We spent most of our morning packing and repacking our bags, trying to meet all wieght requirements for Ryan Air. Thank God, I had picked up a little tool I discovered at Triple A the day before we left. It is a small electronic scale that you hook onto the handle of your suitcase and then lift up and it gives you the weight. It is the best $15.00 I have ever spent. After much packing and repacking, we got out into the sunshine for a lst adventure in Oslo. We went back to my favorite spot, Vigeland Park. We strolled through the park taking our time. Niko and Sam gave me so much time and space to take in the park and to photograph every statue I loved. The light was beautiful and the statues took on new life in the sunshine.

We went back to the Nobel Peace Insitute to leave a gift of a bottle of Washington wine for the head librarian, Anne. She came out and visited with us, one more time, and was so hospitable and gracious. As we left she told Sam to contact her if she could help him with any information with school projects, etc. I left shaking my head and asking “Sam, do you have any idea how amazing that is? How many young people have the head librarian of the Nobel Peace Institute inviting them to contact her if they need any help or have any questions?”

I cannot help but wonder how this experience will shape Sam’s life…how it will change all of us. It has been such an amazing 8 days. It will take a long time to process it all. For now, I leave Oslo with a heart overflowing with gratitude, awe and wonder, ready to make a change.