South Africa: Day 1

Today was my first day in the field. I am overwhelmed with emotion.

We started the day with Cora. She is a veterinarian who cares for the pets of the poor. She also cares deeply for the poor for as she said, “How can you treat the dog of a person who has no food for their family and not help
get them food?” So Cora goes into the shanty towns of Soweto and brings
with her food, clothing and supplies. She helps transport the dying to
hospices and cares for many children living alone. She is an amazing woman.

Our first stop was to visit an organization called TCE. This group of women
provide AIDS education, counseling and testing. Their goal is to reach
100,000 people in the shanty towns within 3 years. I was amazed to learn
that 80% of the people who have AIDS also have TB so they also provide
medications for TB.

From there we visited the homes of 4 women. These homes were all made of
tin, none of them was bigger than my bedroom, and they housed up to 8
people. The first home was the home of Fekeela. Inside her little shack it
was beautiful. She had taken great care in creating her home. One half of
her home was her bed, brightly decorated with a beautiful bedspread. The
other half was the kitchen which was very clean and well organized. Fekeela
helps Cora. Her only pay is a box of food each week. Still, she goes out
daily to care for those who are dying of AIDS and to help those who have no
food or money. Outside her home, I met a beautiful grandmother who is
raising many grandchildren, having lost her children to AIDS. Cora informed
me that she really needed help, so I slipped some money into her hand. She
and I hugged and tears streamed down my face. I was so humbled by her. At
each house we visited, when I looked into the eyes of the women, I began to
cry. They are not tears of pity. They are tears of great sorrow. These
women have suffered so much and yet their hearts are strong and they
continue to give in abundance to those around them. The sorrow is for all
they have suffered. And the sorrow is for myself and for the world that we
can live our lives so unaware and cut off from so much.

From Fekeelas house we went to the house of Alina. Her husband has died, she has AIDS and her son who is 15 lives with her. Her son works each day
Monday to Monday to take care of himself and his mother. He makes the
equivalent of $25.00 a month. We brought Alina food, sheets, and money. We
wrapped a beautiful scarf around her neck. She was grateful for all of
these gifts. She was brought to tears, however, when she watched the
Polaroid photograph of herself develop before her eyes. It meant so much to
her to have this picture of herself. She tenderly tucked it under her
pillow and while we were there she went back many times to look at it.

We visited 2 more homes and then raced back for our 3:00 appointment at
Mother Theresa’s Hospice and Orphanage. We spent most of our time with the
children. When we walked into the toddler room I sat down on a bench and a
feisty little girl about 18 months or so came over and climbed in my lap.
She was a little fireball and it was a delight to watch her. What disturbed
me was that unlike this feisty little girl, most of the children had lost
their light. Their faces were solemn and serious. They didn’t want to be
touched. They watched us carefully. I couldn’t help but think of my own
Sam and his great big light. I was struck with gratitude for him and for
all Niko and I are able to provide because of the amazing abundance in our

The missionaries of Charity care for about 40 dying women and men and 40
children at this centre. They also go into over 80 homes and care for those
who have AIDS. There are 7 nuns and 20 paid workers. Each of the people we
met, whether they were someone dying or one of the children, were clean and
well dressed. It is obvious that they are well cared for. The work of
Mother Theresa is very much alive. Sister Gustavo Maria shared with us that
although they were given a washing machine they pay women to come and washed
the clothes each day. Mother Theresa had taught them that although a wash
machine is more cost effective, hire women to wash them by feeds families.
Sister Gustavo Maria asked us to pray for her that she will grow in
patience. Please keep her and all these women in your prayers.

So, I end this day in a very tender place. I am so grateful for this
opportunity and for all that is cracking open in me. Thank you. Each and
every one of you, Thank you. your support has gotten me here. I am forever