Tag Archives: Nobel Concert

Day 6: Nobel Concert

Our plan today had been to go to out with Turid and arrive home in time for a good nap before the concert. We just could not resist a last meal with this woman who is so dear to us, so we arrived back to our room with barely enough time to change clothes and rush back to the T to go to the concert. As we were running, and slipping down the road to catch the T, Marta was being dropped off by their friend, Melissa, who graciously offered us a ride. We arrived at the Oslo Spectrum with plenty of time to spare.

The concert started at 8pm. All day, I had been reminding, Niko and Sam about how important it was that we rest before the concert. Each night we have been in bed by 8, unable to keep our eyes open. I was most worried about Sam sleeping through the concert. When we got there, however, it was me who could not, as much as I tried, keep my eyes open. I would force myself to listen and then the music would take me away and my eyes would close.

After a number of cat naps during the first half of the concert, I was able to stay awake for the 2nd half. The performances were amazing. But, none more so than the final performer of the evening, Berry Mainilow. He took command of the stage in a way no other performer was able. He owned the whole space, making it his own and drawing us in to his world.

And then the final song of the evening….All the performers joined together on stage to sing Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror”. Tears streamed down my face at the beauty and wonder of it all. This was the final moment of my Nobel Peace Prize experience. I was surrounded by several thousand people singing, “I’m looking at the man in the mirror. I’m asking him to make a change. If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.” God, I am ready to change. Show me.