Tag Archives: Service

Lesotho Bound

This summer, I will spend 3 weeks in Lesotho, Africa with my husband, Niko, my 16 year old son, Sam and his best friend, Will.  Our focus is 3 fold.  First, to see our daughter of the heart and to meet her husband and 4 year old son.  We were Mary’s host family for a year as she volunteered at L’Arche Tahoma Hope.  She walked into our home and immediately was a part of our family.  After Mary returned to Lesotho, she married her beloved, Paul and had a baby whom she named after her Tacoma brother, Sam.  We are so excited to see Mary again and to meet our extended family in Lesotho.   When I told Mary that we were coming to see her, she replied “I have prayed for this for so long.  I never knew when it would happen and now it is happening.”  Together we wept with joy.  Mary has enlisted Sam and Will to teach in her classroom for 2 days that we are with her.

Secondly, we will spend 8 to 10 days at the St. Camillus Center.  I was on the board of The Lesotho Connection(TLC), here in Tacoma for 3 years.  TLC has recently completed a long time goal of building a new home for the St. Camillus Center.  This home houses 20 children orphaned by AIDS. There are over 200,000 children orphaned by AIDS in Lesotho.  This is roughly  the population of Tacoma.  We will spend our time serving in whatever way we can be most helpful to the center.  Also, Sam and Will will use their talents in music to write a song with the children that we will record so that it can be used both by The Lesotho Connection and by the St. Camillus Center in their promotional materials.

Thirdly, we will spend 3 to 4 days at a game reserve in South Africa to take in the amazing animals of South Africa and to learn about conservation projects in place.  Sam and Will have been animal enthusiasts from the start.  Their love of animals has been  one of the things that has nourished their deep friendship for the past 16 years.

Sam and Will have committed to paying for their airfare, spending money and time at the game reserves and to help raise funds for playground equipment and a sign for The St. Camillus Center.  To fulfill this commitment they have created and are selling cards with their original artwork as well as selling my Umbutu tea.  If you would like to support their efforts, you can purchase their items at Sam and Will’s Etsy Shop  or you can check out their project updates on their fundraising page at Sam and Will’s You Caring Site

This is a trip of a lifetime, but it is more than that.  As parent’s it is an opportunity to offer these young men an opportunity  to have their image of themselves and their world expanded.  It is an opportunity to allow and encourage them to steadily and faithfully work towards a goal and to bring it to fruition.  It is an opportunity for them to share their gifts in a profound way and to have their gifts shaped in new and profound ways by the Lesotho people. This is a trip that will crack all of our hearts open, that will change us in ways we do not yet know, and that will imprint on our souls our place in the family of humanity.

Click the link below to watch this beautiful video about the St. Camillus Center:

About the Lesotho Connection