Uncharted Territory

The uncharted territory of our time is silence. Our lives are filled with the constant hum of our technology: phones, computers, televisions and music. When is the last time that you sat in such silence that you could hear the beating of your heart? If we are to stay connected to our own true self, it is imperative that we create such moments for ourselves. In these moments, we hear the beating of our purpose, our calling, our truth.100_0722c_edited-1

Thirsting for time with my spirit.
Too many voices surround me.
Sweet quiet alludes me.
How do I hear my spirit in the midst of all this noise?

Breathe deep.
Deeper Still.
Breathe into the silence of your soul.
Breathe into this place
for a moment
And feel it stretch to eternity.

Sweet silence,
Sweet solitude
Awaits you.

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